【同义词辨析】 2019-02-28 倔强contrary-wayward

contrary: implies a temperamental unwillingness to accept orders or advice: the most ~ child in my class.   来自词根CONTRA反against,如contravene违反法律

perverse: may imply wrong-headed, determined, unwholesome, or cranky opposition to what is reasonable or generally accepted: offered the most ~ argument for declaring war.  cranky脾气怪容易生气,因为要求别人满足自己标准implies irritability with those who fail to conform to one's standards,如cranky neighbors much given to complaining脾气怪的邻居总喜欢抱怨)

restive: suggests unwillingness or obstinate refusal to submit to discipline or follow orders and often suggests restlessness or impatience with control: a ~ horse who refused to stand still.

balky: suggests a refusal to proceed or acquiesce in a desired direction or course of action: workers became ~ when asked to accept pay cuts.  acquiesce默许to accept something without arguing even if you do not really agree with it,如Steve seemed to have acquiesced in the decision史蒂夫好像默许了这个决定,介词用in)

wayward: suggests strong-willed capriciousness and irregularity in behavior: ~ inmates isolated from the others.  (wayward最早写法是awayward,away表示离开道路,后来不知什么原因变成了wayward,但意思不变,都是离经叛道任性反常) (others表示其他人一般不加the,这里加了the是特指其他囚犯

contrary逆反: 指不愿接受命令建议的性格,perverse倔强反常: 指错误古怪倔强不健康反对一般人都接受合情合理的事情,restive难驾驭焦躁不安: 表示不愿服从听从纪律命令,常表示焦躁不安,balky不动不从: 表示拒绝前进默许,wayward任性反常: 表示任性反常又倔强

记忆方法: 1)首字母CPRBW想成我才不怕人<==所以倔强

         2)倔强的意思是抗拒权威控制mean inclined to resist authority, control, or circumstances.   (倔强形容人性格刚强不屈,坚持自己的想法和做法,不轻易为外力所改变。既可以是褒义,如面临困难敌人不屈服;也可以是贬义,如不合情反常理)